a return to wholeness, a remembering

Sunday 23rd June | 10:00 - 16:00

Windmill Hill City Farm, bristol

The retreats that I hold are in alignment with the changing seasons. They provide you with time to connect to the season, move your body, release what feels stuck, reflect and move forward with intentions and ease.

Revive coincides with the Summer Solstice. Come and celebrate the energy of summer on this energising day retreat set in the beautiful Windmill Hill City Farm - an oasis in the middle of a bustling city. Summer is all about vitality, vibrancy and reconnecting to the felt sense of being alive!

This day retreat has been lovingly crafted by Sam for women who are looking to reconnect.

A women's day retreat for women who are feeling lost, overwhelmed, suffering anxiety, depression and/or burnout, or for women who are simply looking to feel alive and connect to the energy of summer in a beautiful and inclusive setting


a return to wholeness, a remembering

In our busy, day-to-day lives we can easily forget who we are, and lose sense of the vitality and strength that lies within us. This day retreat has been carefully designed by Sam to reconnect you to back to your natural state.

The morning will begin with herbal teas on arrival and a short welcome & share, followed by a 90minute movement practice in the beautiful eco studio nestled right in the middle of the farm

Following your movement session, immerse yourself in the purifying ritual of our sauna and cold plunge experiences. Allow the healing heat of the sauna to penetrate your muscles and release toxins from your body. As you emerge refreshed and invigorated, embrace the revitalising chill of the cold plunge, awakening your senses 

After our sauna and plunge there will be a light lunch served in the farm gardens followed by time to journal, sit, breathe and walk around the beautiful gardens.

The day will end with cosy and deeply nourishing restorative yoga, followed by a closing circle and time to share.


01 | Gather & Welcome. Organic herbal teas and on arrival in the eco studio

02 | 90 minute movement practice with Sam*

03 | The Orchard Sauna - Sauna and Cool Plunge

04 | Lunch in the sanctuary of the gardens 

05 | Time in the garden to share, reflect and journal

06 | Restorative yoga*

07 | The day will draw to an end with a closing circle and meditation

*All yoga props provided

the location

The location for this day retreat is incredibly special to me, as someone who spent 6 years working on an organic vegetable farm and isn’t a natural city dweller, Windmill Hill City Farm is medicine for my soul. Windmill Hill City Farm leaves you with absolutely no way to doubt the season that you’re in. In spring and summer the gardens are full with bluebells, spring greens, flowers and seasonal edibles and herbs. What I love most about Windmill Hill City Farm is its accessibility - nestled in a busy city, it’s the perfect place to reconnect.

REVIVE | £111 per person

*All activities are optional, you are welcome to choose to join us for a sauna and cold plunge, or opt out for one or both of these activities and simply enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

Whether you need community or solitude you can find both here